Res-o-lu-tion [rez-uh-loo-shuh-n]
1. A formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group.
2. A resolve of determination.
It’s that time of year again where we promise
ourselves that we’re getting back on track…we’re going to lose weight, save
money, get organized, try new things, meet new people, and everything else in
I am just as guilty as the next person for
making my list of resolutions, but today I can’t help but ponder the question
of why it is so easy to state our resolutions now, but so hard to follow them come
Just like any new project, we’re anxious to
get started and we make the time to get on the treadmill, make new files folders,
pinch pennies, etc. Unfortunately, after awhile the new wears off, we’re exhausted
from our normal schedule, the treadmill becomes an extra clothes rack, and we
slide right back into the routine we once had and feel guilty about what we
didn’t accomplish.
Did we take on too lofty of a New Year’s
resolution – did we think that all of a sudden we would gain some extra time to
do all of these things? Who knows these answers even? Well, I will be the first
to admit that I sure don’t – but what I do know is that the number one
definition of resolution states that a resolution is a “formal expression of
opinion or intention made.”
Did you catch that word? Intention. I’m not a
huge fan of the word myself because I think a person can have all the intentions
in the world, but until they set their mind to it and perform the actions,
nothing gets accomplished. So instead of making a list of intentions, why don’t
we make a list of goals? The definition for goal is “the result or achievement
toward which effort is directed; aim; end.”
If we make goals and have our efforts,
whether they be in January or July, be directed towards our goals, then we are
accomplishing our New Year’s Resolutions. If you fall off the wagon, don’t let
the guilt set in…just get back in the game when you can and keep working
towards your goal!
2012 has been a great year for me, but here’s
to 2013 and all of the organizing and working out that is in store for this
PS – Can you imagine me on a treadmill…now
that would be a disaster!
(Oh, and the definitions, courtesy of Mr. Webster, himself)